Diabetes Education Classes
The Sabetha Community Hospital is proud to offer Diabetes education classes taught by Certified Diabetes Instructor, Lori Menold,RN,CDCES and Ann Wassenberg, RDN, LD.Class topics include:
On the Road to Better Management of Your Diabetes
This class gives a better understanding of diabetes, teaches you what is not working in your body and how to treat and control it, along with blood glucose monitoring, exercise tips and medication information.
Diabetes and Healthy Eating
This class will cover the effect of food on blood glucose levels, portion sizes demonstrated with food models, feelings about foods, timing of meals, and more.
Nutrition Follow Up and Monitoring your Blood Glucose
This class will follow up on questions regarding diet, food package examples, online tools, and will continue to discuss BG values and how to use the results obtained from monitoring blood glucose levels.
Continuing Your Journey with Diabetes
This class will cover the natural progression of diabetes, complications, and screenings needed to reduce risks for long term complications.
Take it Seriously
You may have heard people say they have "a touch of diabetes" or that their sugar is "a little high". These words suggest that diabetes is not a serious disease. That is not correct. Diabetes is serious, but you can learn to manage it. People with diabetes need to make healthy food choices, stay at a healthy weight, move more every day, and take their medicine even when they feel good. It's a lot to do. It's not easy, but it's worth it. You are not alone!" Lori Menold, RN, CDCESClasses are by appointment only. Call (785) 284-2121 Ext. 419 or Email lomenold@sabethahospital.com or awassenberg@sabethahospital.com.