A medical professional holding a sign reading health check
Schedule Your Free Medicare Wellness Visit
If you have Medicare coverage, make sure you are taking full advantage of all that's offered to keep you healthy such as the free annual wellness visit.
The annual wellness visit does not replace your routine annual physical with your doctor; it offers a focused assessment performed by a registered nurse that will enhance your visit to your primary care doctor.
The Sabetha Community Hospital has a registered nurse who works closely with the physicians at the Sabetha Family Practice to offer wellness visits in your primary care doctor's office.
These visits take about an hour and are at no out-of-pocket cost to Medicare patients. Medicare will cover this screening once every 12 months.
Your Wellness nurse will:
* Take routine measurements, such as height, weight and blood pressure.
* Review your medical and family history.
* Update your list of current providers, including dentist, eye doctor and specialists.
* Update your medication list -- so be sure to bring your current prescriptions list with you, or even the bottles if you need to.
* Assess personal health risks by providing, for example, hearing, nutritional and safety evaluations.
* Refer you to any needed services, such as mammograms, colonoscopies or lab work.
* Compile your medical information so that your physician has it readily available during follow-up appointments.
These visits are allowing patients to focus on wellness and prevention. Patients are benefitting from the additional time with the registered nurse by tackling some of the "busy work" of an office visit and ultimately giving them more one-on-one time with their doctor. Patients have appreciated the opportunity to bring all their records and information together for their primary care doctor.
To schedule your Annual Medicare Wellness Visit, contact the Sabetha Family Practice at (785) 284-2141. You may also receive a letter from a Wellness Nurse to schedule an appointment.