Nemaha County Home Health & Hospice

A pair of hands holding another pair of hands that are holding a plastic red heart
Hospice Care
It seems with aging comes more and more loss of control over our bodies and our lives. The ultimate loss of control comes when one hears the words "you have a terminal disease and not long to live".At Nemaha County Home Health & Hospice, we understand that feeling. While we cannot heal you, our goal is to enable you and your family to regain some control and become active partners in your care and your life in your last days.
Who We Are
Our staff offers gentle loving skilled care when healing is no longer possible. We assist family members in managing the practical details and emotional challenges of caring for a dying loved one. We provide compassion to survivors through their bereavement process.Clients can rest assured that our staff is extremely well qualified with a combined 135 years of professional experience. Our staff includes a Medical Director, Registered Nurses, Home Health Aides, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Social Workers, Spiritual Support, and Volunteer help. Every professional staff member is licensed by the state.
Our focus is to keep patients as alert and comfortable as possible in a familiar environment surrounded by family and friends. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services provided:
Basic medical care with a focus on pain and symptom control.Medical supplies and equipment as it relates to the terminal condition.
Counseling and social support to help you and your family with psychological, emotional, and
spiritual issues.
Guidance with the difficult, but normal, issues of life completion and closure.
Respite care for caregivers, family, and others who regularly care for you.
Volunteer support such as meal preparation or errand running.
Counseling and support for family and caregivers for 13 months post death.
Where to find us:
Our offices are located on the first floor of the east wing of the old Sabetha Hospital. Enter through the old ER entrance and use the elevator to the 1st floor.For more information about Hospice services, please call Keri Bestwick at (785) 284-2288.