Picture of a male showing question mark emoji's over his head with words that say Original, Supplement, Advantage Plan, Medi Gap, Part A,B,C,D
Medicare Information
Insurance can be confusing and difficult to understand. Medicare is no different. Original Medicare consists of Part A, Part B, Part D and most have a Supplement (Medigap) plan in addition to Original Medicare. Original Medicare is the typical Medicare most are familiar with and it is managed by the federal government.Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage. Part C sounds enticing as it contains similiar benefits as Medicare Parts A, B, and D, however, they can carry hidden risks, especially for people with major health issues. Part C (Medicare Advantage) plans are offered by private insurance companies as an alternative to Original Medicare. It replaces and cancels Original Medicare, if you choose this option.
Each year Medicare has an Open Enrollment time frame from October 15th through December 7th. This time frame allows for changes, however, before making any changes to your health care, ensure that your medical provider is in network with the insurance plan.
Understand Your Options Before Open Enrollment
Original Medicare vs Medicare Advantage
Know Your Facts
Medicare Advantage Frequently Asked Questions
For Assistance with any part of Medicare, contact Melinda, Knowles, Social Worker at Sabetha Community Hospital or the SCH Business Office at 785-284-2121.