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Innovative Healthcare
Innovative Healthcare

SCH Patients & Visitors

The Sabetha Community Hospital has served generations of families in Northeastern Kansas and Southeastern Nebraska with a tradition of innovation and excellence. We are dedicated to improving quality of health and care given in our communities. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Please visit the links below to learn what we can do for you and your family.

Admitting and Registration

Admitting and Registration will be your first stop when you visit the Sabetha Community Hospital. Click here for information including hours, location and what to expect.

Financial Assistance Program

The Sabetha Community Hospital offers financial assistance to patients who qualify. Click here to learn more about the SCH Financial Assistance Program.

Payment Policy

CLICK HERE for Spanish

Translation Services

If you need a translator while you are a patient at Sabetha Community Hospital, we are happy to provide translation services at any time you need them via translation phone. The phone is easy to use and you and your care providers simply talk with each other and a certified medical translator on the phone translates exactly what you say to one another.

Si necesita traduccion al espanol durante e tiempo que es pasiente en Sabetha Community Hospital estaremos felises de proveerle este servicio en cualquier monento atravez del telefono. El telefono es fasil de usar; usted y su doctor podran hablar comodamente y un traductor certificado en medicina traducira exactamente lo que se quieren desir el uno al otro.

The Sabetha Community Hospital is dedicated to improving the health and care of our communities. We look forward to serving your family.

Visitor Information

Visit Your Loved Ones

Visitors are encouraged to visit friends and family members. Visiting hours are open but we encourage you to check with admission or the main desk prior to visiting to make sure your visit occurs at the most appropriate time.

Visitor Restrictions

Please be sure to follow any visitor restrictions in place at the time of your visit.

Contact Us With Your Questions

If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to Contact Us.
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